NACULSIN project


Natural & Cultural Heritage – Tools for Social Inclusion

Natural and Cultural Heritage: Tools for Social Inclusion, also known as NACULSIN, aims to expand our students’ knowledge of UNESCO’s natural and cultural heritage. Examples of this type of UNESCO heritage can be found in our country as well as in our partner countries. Students who will participate in this project will acquire knowledge about cultural values ​​and will get to know the importance of UNESCO’s natural and cultural heritage.

The overall objective of the project is to maximize the impact of the Erasmus+ program in the field of cultural heritage education and to encourage schools to raise awareness of the riches of Europe, that is, of cultural heritage in all its forms, through visits, meetings with heritage experts, recreational and educational activities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Target group

All students participating in the project study the following subjects common to the six partner schools: English, History, Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics, Science, etc. Thus, they have common concerns and are interested in the specific cultural aspects of the European community. A total of 120 students will participate in international mobility.


Each school will organize activities at the level where students will be the main actors: documentary visits, UNESCO brochure, UNESCO film, UNESCO calendar, etc. A total of 240 students will be involved in local activities. In the development of project activities, students will use different information technologies to increase their interest in the school (technologies used: kahoot, prezi, piktochart, timetoaster, dotstorming, etc.).


  • O1: The social inclusion of a total of 360 students from the 6 partner schools, providing additional innovative educational programs within the project.
  • O2: Implement quality teaching and learning strategies to maximize learning opportunities for all students and especially for students of ethnic, migrant and refugee origin.
  • O3: Sensitize students and teachers to the conservation of UNESCO’s natural and slot gacor cultural heritage and to the need to care for the environment.
  • O4: Further improve student behaviour, self-discipline and reduce school absenteeism by 40% and dropout by 30% among students from the 6 partner schools.